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We guarantee top privacy and no spamming

When you are subscribing for our free notification service by email you will provide us your email address. This is personal information and below we are explaining how we will use it. Because privacy is important.

First of all, your email address will be stored on our server which is located in the USA. Second, only two authorized persons have access to private data on that server. These our staff. And only when some maintenance is necessary, not all the time. Any access logged.

We do not share, trade or sell email addresses that people provide to us. Guaranteed. That means that you are giving your address just to us and to us only. Nobody will know.

Each email message from us will contain information about requested service only, it will not include promotion of other products or services.

Each email message from us will have a link at the bottom of the message to configure or cancel your subscription. If you will click it, you will be able to change some preferences, including language of the future messages. Or you can cancel your subscription completely.

Any cancelation request will be processed immediately, however, you may still receive some emails from us within 3 days after cancelation, because email queue may be very large.

After cancelation of your subscription your email address will be marked in our database as "disabled" to prevent any future mailings. However, you can subscribe again at anytime later. If you want your address to be completely removed from our database, please contact us.

What is the difference between Secure Delete and Prevent Restore apps?
Which Security Standards Are Implemented In Our Apps?
How this app can prevent recovery of deleted files? (Prevent Restore)
Help us translate for people from your country
How to hide application itself? (Secret Disk)
Why option to purge MFT table is important and always enabled? (Prevent Restore)
Why even after emptying Recycle Bin deleted files still can be recovered? (Prevent Restore)
We guarantee top privacy and no spamming
How to purge contents of MFT table? (Prevent Restore)
How the secret disk works? (Secret Disk)
Why number of cycles of overwrite is important? (Prevent Restore)
How to erase disk completely, without chance for recovery? (Prevent Restore)

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Learn more about security standards that we use in our apps: