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Secure deletion (explanation of the function)

Our app includes several options to securely erase data, thus deleted files will not be recoverable. You can find these options in the Settings are on the following tab:

Rename file to random name
If enabled, deleted files will be renamed to random name before permanent deletion. New random name will be like "DABDSJWGWKDS" without extension. This adds additional layer of security in case of any spyware catches names of deleted files it will be unable to understand what was actually deleted. Also, if anyone will be able to look into the table of deleted files they will see a lot of fake data and will be unable understand what was there even by file names.

Reset file dates
If enabled, before deletion our app will change dates for creation, modification and recent access to the deleted file to January 1,1970. If anyone will be able to look into table of deleted files they all will have the same date and time, thus, impossible to understand which one is important.

Write random characters to random places
Before total overwrite to prevent recovery our app can write random characters to random places of the file. You can set choose percentage of data to be overwritten, for example, if deleted file 100 bytes in length, 5% means that 5 random bytes of it will be overwritten. This option important for some hard drives as an additional layer of security - it will corrupt file contents before total overwrite.

Total overwrite
If enabled, deleted files (entire content) will be overwritten with random data several times (you can set amount of passes).

Security protocol
We are trying to implement several standards and protocols for secure deletion (as much as possible, because many of them foreign and not documented well). You can choose any, but in our experience, even total overwrite usually is enough.

Secure deletion (explanation of the function)
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Auto exclude (explanation of the function)
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